Have you planned your summer vacation yet? Every trip means new experiences and discoveries, and before many of them we usually feel a pleasant (or not so) excitement. For example, when traveling to distant lands, we often worry about weather conditions, safety, time zone changes, etc. In order for each trip to leave only the best impressions, it is important to prepare for it properly and take care of yourself throughout the trip. We share tips on how to relax during the trip.
Stress before the trip
Are all the documents ready, have I really packed all the things, have I managed to do all the work before the trip – these and similar questions plague many people before the trip. And some people, out of fear of being late for the plane, can’t even sleep the night before the flight. To make the start of the trip as smooth as possible, it is recommended to carefully consider what items, documents, etc. you will need and start packing your suitcase well in advance. Then, in the last few days, all you have to do is run your eyes over the list and check that everything is there.
Also, a few days before the trip, check whether urgent tasks have been completed and others have been transferred to substitute colleagues. Remind your manager that you are leaving soon and discuss unresolved issues.
The night before the trip, try to rest and get some sleep. If you know that you may have difficulties, don’t drink coffee or energy drinks a day or two before. You can use additional tools to help you – oil drops or gummies Deep Sleep and Chill Out. Ideally – use them regularly, and not just right before the flight. Then they will work more effectively.
Fear of flying
One of the factors that prevents you from traveling calmly is the fear of flying. From 33% to 40% of people around the world experience some anxiety when thinking about flying, and as many as 60% of people feel varying levels of anxiety during or before the flight. So if you feel uncomfortable before or during the flight, you are not alone.
What to do? First, you should briefly familiarize yourself with the mechanics of aircraft and remember that airplanes are designed to withstand turbulence and other factors that may be the cause of your fear. This is the safest means of transportation.
It is also very important to divert your attention – listen to your favorite music, an engaging book, play a game on your phone and / or do breathing exercises. This will help you relax and reduce anxiety. Start using Chill Out gummies at least a few weeks before the trip and keep them in your hand luggage. The natural substances they contain have a calming and relaxing effect.
Sleep problems
A stress-free trip is when you not only don’t feel anxious, but also when you get a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, this is often hindered by a foreign environment, an uncomfortable bed, or a change in time zone. Your sleep routine becomes unbalanced, which, of course, contributes to fatigue during the day.
You can help yourself in a few simple ways. First, take a comfortable pillow with you on a longer trip away from home. Yes, it takes up a lot of space, but a good night’s sleep is very important, so you may have to trade one stylish pair of shoes for a comfortable pillow.
If you have a sensitive sleep, take care of earplugs and an eye mask. Also, try to stick to a sleep routine – get up and go to bed at the same time – this will help your body adapt more easily to changes in the environment or time zone. Avoid products with caffeine and, of course, take care of products that will help you forget about dark circles under your eyes. These are cannuLAB gummies Deep Sleep, Chill Out and Daily Energy. Nothing better than the name describes their purpose, and the packaging is perfect for travel. See for yourself!
Although all cannuLAB products are made from industrial hemp – meaning they do not contain the intoxicating psychoactive substance called THC – some countries still do not have clear legal regulations for products with cannabinoids. Therefore, remember that before transporting CBD gummies or other hemp products to another country, it is necessary to check the laws of that country and the requirements of the airline companies.