Are you struggling with anxiety? We share how to overcome it!
Date 20 February 2023

With the arrival of the new year, many of us begin to think about upcoming tasks, plans, and goals we want to achieve. Unfortunately, sometimes, when entering a new stage of life, joyful emotions are accompanied by fear of change, stress, or anxiety about unfulfilled goals from the previous year. Anxiety is a common companion of modern people in various situations. We share how to fight it and live more calmly.

What is hidden behind the word anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal response to stress that can be beneficial in certain situations, as it can motivate you to take action and solve problems, overcome challenges, or overcome fears. However, sometimes anxiety can become an obstacle to even the simplest of daily tasks.

A person experiencing anxiety often begins to worry in everyday, familiar situations – talking to colleagues or friends, making an appointment with a doctor or even shopping. Constant thoughts about what might happen often become the cause of insomnia, fatigue, and it is also more difficult for an anxious person to concentrate and maintain attention. In certain cases, negative physical sensations are also observed – sweating, increased heartbeat, trembling of hands or voice. The latter may indicate more serious psychological problems, for which it is worth contacting a specialist.

How to make your everyday life easier?

If you notice the signs of anxiety in time, you can help yourself by listening to your body and paying more attention to it. Here are some tips that can help you combat tension and anxiety:

·   Take care of your physical health – try to get enough rest, sleep well, pay more attention to your diet and physical activity. It’s no secret that a balanced diet and exercise sometimes work wonders!

·   Practice relaxation techniques: breathing exercises, yoga, or meditation are great ways to focus on yourself, listen to your body, and slow down. A relaxed body sends a signal to your mind to relax, so these activities can be extremely helpful when you are experiencing anxiety.

·   Include additional measures to improve your well-being in your daily routine – it can be a cup of mint or lemon balm tea before bed, a weekly massage session, or cannabis products, which have been receiving more and more feedback in recent days. We recommend trying the form that suits you, guminukai or oil drops from the cannuLAB assortment.

·   Try to reduce the amount of stimuli: identify sources of stress in your life and take steps to avoid or eliminate them.

If you know that your significant other, mother or friend is experiencing anxiety symptoms, talk to them, share advice or cheer them up with a well-being kit from cannuLAB!