Lack of energy in spring: find out why it happens
Date 03 April 2023

Have you had time to enjoy the sunshine and walk through all the city parks? In spring, it seems that not only nature wakes up, but also people become more active, spend more time outdoors and smile more. If all this seems foreign to you and you can’t seem to wake up from your winter sleep, it’s worth considering where the reasons lie. We share why you sometimes experience a lack of energy in spring and how to fight it.

Vitamin and mineral deficiency

During the cold season, many people encounter various colds, their immunity weakens, and many simply ignore the idea of ​​strengthening it. The result of all this is that spring is greeted with a runny nose, fatigue or general weakness… In addition, during the winter, many people tend to eat heavier, higher-calorie foods, which provide energy, but can lead to a lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the body. Therefore, when the weather warms up, it is important to include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet to get all the necessary nutrients.

Vitamin D deficiency is also very common in our region – during the winter, its amount often drops to a minimum, because we receive very little natural light. Vitamin D deficiency negatively affects both our emotional state and general well-being. Specialists recommend that you have a general blood test and/or microelement or vitamin tests in the spring as a preventive measure to find out what substances your body is lacking.

Emotional decline

January is not without reason known as one of the saddest months of the year, when many people experience sadness, complain of lethargy, and are reluctant to leave the house. There is no single answer as to why so many negative emotions are experienced in January, but it is believed that the past holidays, cold, and gray skies are the main causes of a bad mood.

Unfortunately, sometimes you can get rid of winter, but not your bad mood. Along with it, there is often a lack of energy, which prevents you from properly entering into spring moods and activities. Know that you are not the only one who feels this way! Try to devote time to your favorite activities at least once or several times a week, treat yourself to delicious food, and meet up with friends. You will see, both your mood and energy will gradually return!


As we have already mentioned, nutrition contributes quite a lot to the spring lack of energy. Therefore, when warm weather arrives, it is worth replacing fatty, heavy dishes with lighter, fresher ones. Snack on fruits and nuts instead of potato chips and sweets.

It is also important to drink plenty of water and remember to move. Even if it seems that your energy level is zero, it is important to start – go for a walk or do some light exercise – this will help you recharge not only with energy, but also with positive emotions.

Additional energy from natural products

The first aid that many people resort to when they run out of energy is a cup of coffee… or even a few. However, too much caffeine can be very harmful to our health. Regular coffee consumption can increase blood pressure and cortisol levels, which often cause or worsen anxiety symptoms. Coffee is also considered a diuretic, so drinking this aromatic beverage too often increases the risk of dehydration, especially if you don’t drink enough water.

Instead of compensating for your energy needs with coffee, it’s better to choose healthier alternatives. If your friends often joke that you look like a zombie, it’s time to take action – try the customer-favorite cannuLAB product Daily Energy. It is supplemented with taurine and a moderate amount of caffeine, so it will suit those who lack energy and want to forget what fatigue looks like on their face.