Recently, there has been a significant increase in public interest in various cannabis preparations, from oils to dietary supplements. One of the active ingredients in all of them is cannabinoids: a group of substances found in cannabis. Currently, there are over 80 cannabinoids with various properties.
The famous physician Paracelsus once said that all substances are poisons, and only the dose makes the medicine. A similar statement can be made about hemp fiber preparations: properly balanced hemp supplements can work real miracles. So, the mere fact that a product contains cannabinoids does not make it effective in itself: manufacturers must carefully select the components, and before releasing products to the market, conduct in-depth research and investigate whether the products provide benefits to those who use them. All this is ensured by the cannuLAB brand: by using additional substances, we have created truly effective products.
Confusion between concepts, legal regulation of cannabis supplements and other products
First of all, it is important to know that cannabis is classified into:
drugs from which marijuana (cannabis) is derived;
fiber / industrial (hemp, cannabis sativa)
In most countries, the possession of narcotic cannabis is generally prohibited. Meanwhile, fibrous hemp is a source of CBD extracts, and its seeds are used to produce oil, flour, textile fiber, etc.
Thus, there is no way to equate marijuana and cannabis.
In Lithuania, the distribution of cannabis products was greatly complicated by an imperfect legal framework: not only those who wanted to develop and manufacture products, but also simply conduct research on fiber hemp needed to obtain permits to work with psychotropic substances. However, secondary legislation should alleviate the situation and help the public become familiar with the multiple positive effects of cannabis preparations.
The most commonly mentioned cannabinoids are CBD , CBN and CBG
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) – a psychotropic cannabinoid banned for use in Lithuania and many other countries. Cannabis, which contains more than 0.2–0.3 percent of this cannabinoid, is classified as a narcotic and psychotropic substance. THC, found in marijuana, affects the human psyche. CannuLAB products do not contain THC.
CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive substance found in cannabis. It is primarily known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving (more precisely, improving well-being, increasing pain tolerance) effects, but new ways of using CBD are being found all the time. CBD oil helps maintain well-being and is widely regarded as a substance that helps to nurture beauty – skin, hair and nails. CBD can help control the symptoms of epilepsy, become an aid in the treatment of mental illnesses, and fight addictions.
CBN (cannabinol) is a phytocannabinoid discovered in the 19th century. The amount of CBN in young growing cannabis leaves is very small. The concentration of CBN increases after cutting the cannabis and storing it in the sun, where the plant is provided with oxygen, natural light and heat. CBN effectively improves sleep and does not cause intoxication, helps to relax, and is much more effective than CBD in relieving pain and reducing inflammation. CBN or the combination of CBN-CBD, compared to other cannabinoids, has the strongest sedative effect.
CBG (cannabigerol) is one of the most expensive cannabinoids, as its concentration in plants is extremely low. CBG oil is recommended for people with neurological disorders and chronic pain, as well as for cancer patients. The positive effects of CBG have been shown in the treatment of intestinal inflammation, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and CBG also has antibacterial properties.
The effects of cannabinoids on our nervous system
The effects of cannabinoids depend on the area of the brain affected. It is worth noting that cannabinoids interact with specific cell surface receptors found in different parts of the central nervous system.
So, in a broader sense, cannabinoids can affect memory, cognition, and psychomotor performance, as well as alter the perception of pain. So cannabinoids are beneficial for those suffering from chronic pain, and they can also alleviate the condition of patients with multiple sclerosis. Medicines containing cannabinoids can be useful for patients suffering from nausea and vomiting after a course of chemotherapy. Preparations containing purified CBD are used to treat two severe forms of epilepsy – Gastaut and Dravet syndromes. Cannabinoids also have a positive effect on various psychiatric disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder. Subjects diagnosed with it used hemp products to reduce symptoms of the disease. One very small study, involving just 10 subjects, found that the cannabinoid nabilone was more effective than a placebo in relieving nightmares caused by the disease.
Small-scale studies have shown that cannabinoids can help reduce anxiety. One study involved 24 people with social anxiety disorder. They found that those who took a CBD supplement performed significantly better on a public speaking task than those who took a placebo. Four studies also found that cannabinoids may be helpful for people with chronic pain and anxiety; the participants did not necessarily have an anxiety disorder.
Increasing energy levels, reducing fatigue
Although cannabinoids are most widely appreciated for their sedative effect, when the right combination and ratio of substances is selected, a stimulating effect is obtained, thus successfully overcoming the lack of energy. Studies have found that as many as 91 percent. of people who smoked or vaporized cannabis flowers felt a greater surge of energy. For comparison, in products that are designed to increase energy levels, cannabinoids are combined with caffeine, taurine and B vitamins. Cannabinoids help many people to relax and calm down more, and to get rid of chronic fatigue.
Many studies of cannabis and cannabinoids have involved patients with multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Almost all of these studies have also examined the effects of cannabinoids on sleep. Very often, studies have concluded that people who use cannabis products enjoy improved sleep quality, experience fewer sleep disturbances, and are able to fall asleep faster. However, there is still a lack of research on whether cannabis products directly affect sleep or whether people’s sleep improves because the products help relieve symptoms of underlying diseases. To date, relatively little research has been done on the effects of cannabinoids in people who do not have other diseases but only suffer from chronic insomnia.